New Jersey Future

place Trenton, New Jersey, USA


Saved on 15 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Founded in 1987, New Jersey Future is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes sensible and equitable growth, redevelopment, and infrastructure investments to foster healthy, strong, resilient communities; protect natural lands and waterways; increase transportation choices beyond cars; provide access to safe, affordable, and aging-friendly neighborhoods; and fuel a strong economy for everyone. New Jersey Future does this through original research, innovative policy development, coalition-building, advocacy, and hands-on strategic assistance. Embracing differences and advancing fairness is central to New Jersey Future's mission and operations. New Jersey Future is firmly committed to pursuing greater justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion through its programs, internal operations, and external communications.

What We Do

-Publish data-driven research reports that provide policy recommendations on transit, housing, climate resilience, water infrastructure, and more
-Organize the annual Redevelopment Forum, an event that attracts more than 500 professionals from a wide range of industries to learn about topics and best practices in redevelopment
-Co-host the NJ Planning & Redevelopment Conference, a virtual and in person event
-Promote green infrastructure as a sustainable stormwater management tool
-Collaborate with coastal municipalities to plan for sea level rise, incorporate climate change into decision-making, and improve resilience strategies
-Recognize the best NJ smart growth projects through the annual Smart Growth Awards
-Provide backbone administrative support to Jersey Water Works, a collaborative effort of diverse organizations working to improve NJ's water infrastructure
-Provide backbone administrative support to Lead-Free NJ, a collaborative effort to ensure children in NJ are free from lead poisoning and that our environment is lead-safe


Michele G
Michele G.
Director of Development & Outreach
Alyssa Z.
Digital Communications Coordinator
Ronald D.
Manager of Finance and Administration