Breaking the Chain Through Education Inc.

place Verona, New Jersey, USA


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Breaking the Chain Through Education aims to eradicate child slave trafficking in impoverished regions of Ghana through a variety of approaches.

In the hopes of diminishing the reach of child trafficking and helping to eliminate some of its root causes, our funds are dedicated to: the rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration of formerly trafficked children; supporting and improving children’s access to education; ensuring the continued safety, health and security of child survivors of trafficking; and providing seed money and microloans to the children’s families to lessen the grip of poverty and the cycle of trafficking.

Breaking the Chain Through Education is committed to the long-term success and stability of the children we have rescued. We support them through completion of secondary education or vocational training, helping them to achieve independent lives as they enter adulthood.

We believe this multifaceted approach is the best way to “break the chain” of child trafficking and ensure the continued freedom and education of these children.


Evan R
Evan R.
Volunteer manager
Brian V.
VP Technology