Manufactured Home Owners Association of New Jersey, Inc.

place Jackson, New Jersey, USA


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MHOA NJ was founded and exists for the purpose of insuring the rights of manufactured home owners by dispelling through education the misconceptions and myths held by the public, media, and government officials concerning manufactured housing its owners and/or residents. Our goals are to :
1. Protect and strengthen manufactured housing communities and rights of everyone living in manufactured homes.
2. Promote meaningful change in legislation to increase legal protection for community residents.
3. Preserve efforts and encourage its residents to live in comfortable and safe communities.
4. Strive to educate our legislators and municipal leaders about issues which impact our community.

What We Do

We do lots! Organize home owners within manufactured housing communities, provide education and advocacy on municipal, state and federal issues that impact manufactured homeowners. Work for affordable safe housing with dignity for all, particularly seniors, people with limited incomes. Empower home owners' voices and fight discrimination and unfair stereotypes about manufactured housing. Provide services to manufactured housing communities and home owners.


Lori D.
Volunteer manager
Joyce D.
Volunteer manager