New Jersey Children's Alliance

place Newark, New Jersey, USA


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New Jersey Children's Alliance is a statewide non-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote and support communities in providing a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to victims of criminal child abuse.

What We Do

The New Jersey Children's Alliance (NJCA) is a statewide non-profit organization that provides training and technical assistance to the Children's Advocacy Centers (CACs) and Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) that serve child victims of abuse and neglect and their families in New Jersey. NJCA also conducts outreach to raise awareness about child maltreatment and engages in legislative advocacy to support the development of new CACs and enhancement of existing CACs in New Jersey. CACs are child-focused facilities in which multidisciplinary teams comprised of law enforcement, child protective services, prosecutors, medical and mental health professionals, and victim advocates coordinate their efforts to investigate and prosecute child abuse and neglect cases, while protecting children and providing needed treatment to survivors. CACs use evidence-based, child-centered practices through forensic interviews, medical evaluations, trauma focused mental health care, and victim advocacy. Our goal is for every child abuse victim in New Jersey to have access to a CAC.


Nydia M
Nydia M.
Executive Director
Melinda P.
Volunteer manager
Olga S.
Volunteer manager