The Arc of Essex County

place Livingston, New Jersey, USA


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The Arc of Essex County provides comprehensive services and supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families ensuring a lifetime of achievement with dignity and full partnership in the community.

What We Do

The Arc of Essex County is a 501c3, non-profit organization dedicated to helping children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) such as Down syndrome and Autism participate in every level of society and enjoy fuller, more independent lives. When families join The Arc of Essex County, they become a part of a unique team focused on setting goals, tackling challenges, and celebrating accomplishments along the way. The Arc is more than your service provider and system navigator. In partnership with The Arc of the United States and The Arc of New Jersey, our advocacy ensures your voice and interests are heard on the state and national level.

Whether we are helping a child learn to take their first steps, easing the transition from school to adult life, or providing tender care for your loved one in their golden years, our team will help make your family’s dreams a reality.

Founded in 1948 by a small group of dedicated parents who wanted more for their children, today, The Arc of Essex County is a robust organization of approximately 500 employees providing services and supports to nearly 1,500 individuals with I/DD and their families each week.


Nancy B
Nancy B.
Volunteer manager