The Bouchedid Foundation

place Parsippany, New Jersey, USA


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The Bouchedid Foundation revolutionizes charitable giving through technology and innovation by promoting donor confidence and fundraising efficiency.

What We Do

The Future of Charitable Giving™
The Bouchedid Foundation - Making the world a better place for all of us:
Locally, nationally and internationally, The Bouchedid Foundation is an advocate for the most oppressed and disenfranchised. We scour every corner of the globe to help children and families in need. The Bouchedid Foundation (pronounced 'boosh-deed) takes a unique approach to helping donors large and small navigate through the hundreds of thousands of charities and non profit organizations that exist today (more than 664,000 to be exact). Many donors don't have the time, resources and expertise to figure out which charities are best aligned with the causes that mean the most to them. Furthermore, most donors are reluctant when it comes to their charitable contributions because they are simply not sure if the various charities they find are truly passing on the vast majority of their money to the direct causes and groups that they are supposed to service.?

We have developed a proprietary algorithm that factors several different variables both quantitative and qualitative to filter through thousands of charities and allows us to identify only the ones that meet our strictest requirements. This is why we like to say that The Bouchedid Foundation is "the Mutual Fund of Charities"™. Our system evaluates and analyzes hundreds of charities against quantifiable measures using the following metrics to create a portfolio of best of breed charities to direct our funds to:

Accountability -
Efficiency -
Turnaround -
Focus -
Urgency -


Steven H.
Volunteer manager
Dany B
Dany B.
Mark G.
Board of Bouchedid Foundation