The Citizens Campaign

place Metuchen, New Jersey, USA


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The Citizens Campaign is dedicated to repairing our democracy from the bottom up by training citizens in no blame problem-solving. Together, these citizen leaders will be a new force empowered to change the political climate and increase our capacity to meet the nation's challenges.

What We Do

Imagine a local government meeting: a student from your college or a continuing ed learner from the community you serve stands up to speak. They outline a problem affecting the community and thank the officials for their efforts thus far to address it, and they lay out a plan for further improvement. They explain that the solution they propose is already succeeding in other cities, and it won't cost the city anything - in fact, it can save them money, and the benefits will be felt by the greater community. The government officials are grateful to have a citizen leader serving alongside them and offering an evidence-based, cost-effective solution with a No-Blame approach.

We are offering our teaching tools to community colleges for free, to train students and community members in the knowledge and skills they need to make this scene a reality. Their leadership will lay the foundation for a "National Citizen Leadership Service."


Steven G.
Volunteer manager
Joel R.
Civic Trust Director
Joanna K.
Volunteer manager