Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network

place Manomet, Massachusetts, USA
language http://www.whsrn.org


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The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), is a science-based, partnership-driven, conservation strategy for protecting the ecological integrity of critical habitats for shorebirds throughout the Americas. The WHSRN Executive Office within Manomet, Inc, a nonprofit based out of Massachusetts.

What We Do

WHSRN gives sites international recongization as important habitat, develops science and management tools that expand the scope and pace of habitat conservation at each site within the Network, and serve as an international resource, convener, and strategist for issues related to shorebird and habitat conservation.

We currently serve 106 sites from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego in 17 countries with five languages. That's 15 million hectares being managed
for 78% of shorebird species in the Americas by hundreds of site partners.

These WHSRN sites are more than just dots on a map. They are a constellation of willing
partners who voluntarily commit to being good hosts to shorebirds- birds who are among the most threatened of any group of bird in the world.

One of many projects is on the Delaware Bay: The Celebrate Delaware Bay project is based in Delaware and New Jersey and is building an inclusive community that will protect the Delaware Bay for the essential habitat it provides shorebird and horseshoe crabs- through education and direct action.


Laura C
Laura C.
Assistant Director, WHSRN Executive Office